The bibliography made available here has been generated from a larger database according to some preliminary criteria (as Eucharist, Liturgy and so on). With all your selection criteria you are always operating within this pre-selection. Some listed key-words may therefore produce no Titles.
To visualize the complete bibliographical data of a single title, click in the list with results on the respective ID-Number.
This bibliography gives no information about where a book or a periodical is located.
You may insert a selection criterion in each of the six search-fields, either in just one field or also in more than one. In the second case the result must respond to more criteria simultaneously.
All selection criteria in all fields are always inserted with quotation marks: '…' or "…" (single or double makes no difference, double is more secure and obligatory if the search-argument contains already a single '). Years are considered as text and not as numbers. Using capitals or not makes no difference. Accents are not considered.
Within each field you may use the following search-actions: a complete argument from a predefined list ( = ); a complete or incomplete argument containing one unknown sign ( _ ); a word (or words) of a text contained in the database (like+%); greater or smaller than a given value, either inclusive or exclusive (>, <, >=, <=); a number of arguments between two values (Between '…' And '…'); accumulation of given partial elements.
The selection criteria of this website are written in SQL-language. For further information and more explanation see:
You are looking for publications of a given author. Insert in field Author: like 'rahner%' and you get all publications of Rahner, K., Rahner, H. and Rahner, J. Or: ='rahner, k.' and you just get K. Rahner's publications.
You are looking for publications of an author named Möller, Miller or Müller. Insert in field Author: like'm_ller%' and you find all Möllers, Millers and Müllers. Or: like 'm_ller, e.' and you get only those with the initial E.
You are looking for publications in a certain language. Insert in field language: ='english' and you get only publications in English.
You are looking for publications in two (or more) given languages. Insert in field language: ='english'; ='german' or as well: in('english', 'german') and you get publications in both English and German.
You are looking for articles in periodicals or books. Insert in field type: like '%article' and you get articles in periodicals and in books.
You are looking for publications from 1962. Insert in field year: ='1962',
You are looking for publications after 1980. Insert in field year: >'1980'.
You are looking for publications from 1980 onwards. Insert in field year: >='1980'.
You are looking for publications before 1970. Insert in field year: <'1970'.
You are looking for publications from 1970 on backwards. Insert in field year: <='1970'.
You are looking for publications between 1950 and 1955. Insert in field year: Between '1950' And '1955' and you get publications from 1950 to 1955, both years inclusive.
You are looking for publications containing in the title Berengarius. Insert in field title: like '%bereng%' and you get all titles on Berengarius in all languages (you inserted from the name only those characters recurring in all languages) and wherever this name stands in the title.
You are looking for publications according to a given key-word, e.g. sacrifice. Insert in field key-word: ='sacrifice' and you get publications about the issue sacrifice.
You are looking for publications responding to two key-words, e.g. sacrifice and art. Insert in field key-word: ='art'; ='sacrifice' or else: in('art', 'sacrifice') and you get publications to both art and sacrifice (accumulated).
You are looking for publications in English about liturgical books from the years 1950-1955. Insert in field type: ='book'. In field language: ='English'. In field year: Between '1950'And'1955'. In field key-word: like 'liturgy-books%'. And you get only books in English about liturgical books in general, about lectionaries and missals from the years 1950 to 1955 (both years inclusive).
Simplified searching using Popup-Menus
The search-form shows a question-mark behind the fields Author, Type, Language and Keyword. A click on the question-mark produces in the field besides a new list showing the search-criteria available (Popup-Menu). For Type and Language all items are displayed, for Author and Keyword only a selection of 10 items at a time.
A click on one search-criterion inserts this item in the correct SQL-spelling directly into the respective field of the search-form. With this method you may select more than one item from the same category. They will be inserted one after the other.
Below the list showing Authors or Keywords arrows help you to navigate within the list. Or you may use the white search-field below in order to go directly to a certain search-criterion.
In order to insert text into the white search-field, use normal writing, not the SQL-language. Using Enter makes the list jump near to the respective criterion showing you a much smaller selection of items. Repeating this procedure while adding one or two letters more to your search-argument, refines the search-procedure. A click on an item within the list, transports it again to the respective place within the search-form.
You may open one Popup-Menu after the other, opening a new one closes the former one. You always see just one list.
Click again on a question-mark, and the opened Popup-Menu disappears.
You are looking for articles by Schillebeeckx or Schoonenberg on the issue of presence or transubstantiation. Click on the question-mark besides Author, insert into the white search-field below the new list with Authors schil and use Enter. A click on the name Schillebeeckx within the reduced list, inserts it into the field Author of the search-form. Now insert into the white search-field schoo, use Enter and click on the name Schoonenberg in the list with results. This name is added to the one of Schillebeeckx in the field Author of the search-form.
Now use the same procedure for the field Type. Click on the respective question-mark, the list with Authors disappears and a list with Types is shown. A click on first Book-article and then Periodical-article transports both criteria into the field Type of the search-form.
Now click on the question-mark besides Keyword. In the white search-field below the list with keywords insert eucharist-pres and use Enter. A click on this keyword in the list you now see, transports it again into the respective field of the search-form. Repeat the same procedure for eucharist-trans.
Now click on Search in the search-form and you get the results you are looking for: articles (in books and periodicals) on the issue Presence and Transsubstantiation by Schillebeeckx and Schoonenberg.
You may still refine your search-operation by selecting in the same way in the field Language English, French, German. You now get the results only in these three languages.
Reporting / printing
When your selection results do not exceed a pre-defined number of titles, currently 250, a PDF-icon will appear in the navigation bar above the list with the selection results. Click on that icon to generate a PDF-file of your selection. You can print this PDF-file directly or save it on your computer for later printing.
For questions and remarks concerning the contents of the database please refer to:
For questions and remarks concerning the functioning of the database please refer to:

Technical description